Sunday, May 22, 2016

Solving a JS Coding Exercise : Building a Color Picker

This is an coding problem I was asked at an interview a year ago. I understood the concept during the interview, I knew what I had to do, but I didn't code it right in the 30 minutes and I failed the interview.

I did it in five minutes this time. See, practice does work!!

Part 1: Here's the deal. Build a color picker. There should be an input where a user can type in a hex color, like #aabbcc. Whatever color is written in the box should be displayed in a div on the screen. So if I type #aabbcc in the input field, I should see a div whose color is #aabbcc.

For this stage, go ahead and have the background color update whenever any change happens to the input box.

Part 2: Change this code to only update the color when the user clicks on a button.


Pretty simple, we want an input that listens for either the 'input' event or a button that listens for the 'click' event. Our event handler should read the hex value from the input, and set the div's background color to that value.


<input type="text" id="inputBox">
<button id="inputButton">
Pick Color
<div id="colorBox">

  border: 2px solid black;

JAVASCRIPT For Part 2 (for part 1, listen to 'input' event instead of 'click':

var oInput = document.getElementById("inputBox");
var oButton = document.getElementById("inputButton");
var oBox = document.getElementById("colorBox");
oButton.addEventListener('click', updateColor,false);

function updateColor(){
  var color = oInput.value; = color;

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